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27 June 2023
University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Male Mental Health: An Interdisciplinary Symposium


9:30-10:00: Welcoming Remarks and Coffee (Ashley Foyer).

10:00-10:05: Opening Remarks: Dr. Lorraine Ryan.

10:05-11:30: Panel 1: Literary Representations of Male Mental Health

Dr. Caragh Wells (University of Bristol): Male Mental Health in La familia de Pascual Duarte.

Dr. Lorraine Ryan (UoB): Rurality and Male Mental Health in Contemporary Spanish Narrative.

Dr. Christina Wilkins (UoB): Explanation/Exploration: Male Mental health in Contemporary Film and Literature.

11:30: Coffee in the Ashley Foyer

11:45-12:10: Roundtable: Ryan, Wilkins and Wells. Culture and Male Mental Health. 

12:10-13:00: Keynote: Mr Stuart Bratt (Founder of Tough Enough to Care, a Birmingham-based male mental health charity): Male Mental Health: An Activist´s Account.

13:00-14:15: Lunch.

14:15-15:40: A Socio-Historical and Psychological Perspective on Male Mental Health.

Dr. Stephanie Wright (University of Lancaster): Fractured masculinities? Veterans, Mental illness, and the Francoist regime.

Dr. Sian Griffiths (UoB); Ethnic Minorities and Male Mental Health.

Dr. Jonathan Willis (UoB): Mental Illness in Elizabethan England

15:40: Concluding Remarks and Closure of Symposium

Closed since 27 June 2023
Strathcona Building G18
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